Followed by a discussion with the Davis Institute for Artificial Intelligence.
Set in the year 2025, heartbroken Theodore Twombly (Joaquin Phoenix) purchases a new operating system designed to develop into a unique entity that meets his every need. Theodore and “Samantha,” as the system (voiced by Scarlett Johansson) names itself, develop a friendship that begins to turn into love as Theodore tries to reconcile his impending divorce and rekindles his friendship with his neighbor Amy (Amy Adams). "A delicate, droll masterwork, writer-director Spike Jonze’s
Her sticks its neck out, all the way out, asserting that what the world needs now and evermore is love, sweet love. Preferably between humans, but you can’t have everything all the time."—Michael Phillips,
Chicago Tribune.
Sponsored by the Davis Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Colby College.